Outdoor living spaces have become essential extensions of our homes, offering a place to relax, entertain, and enjoy the fresh air. But as the sun sets or the seasons change, the chill can drive us back indoors. Patio heaters have become the go-to solution for extending those outdoor moments, but the question remains: what is better, electric or propane patio heaters? This comprehensive guide will explore the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the differences between electric and propane patio heaters in terms of efficiency, cost, and convenience.
  • Learn about the safety features and environmental impacts of both heater types.
  • Discover practical examples to help you decide which heater is the ideal outdoor heating solution for your space.

Understanding the Basics: Electric vs. Propane Heaters

Electric patio heaters and propane patio heaters are both popular choices for outdoor heating, but they operate quite differently. Electric heaters convert electricity into heat through heating elements, often using infrared technology to warm objects and people directly. Unlike electric heaters, propane heaters burn fuel from propane tanks to generate heat, which can provide a more intense warmth.

Electric outdoor heaters are often praised for their convenience. They can be easily installed, requiring only an electrical outlet to operate. This makes them a great option for enclosed patios where installing gas lines for propane heaters would be impractical. On the other hand, propane heaters are known for their portability since they don't need to be tethered to an electrical source.

Cost Considerations: Initial Investment and Running Expenses

When it comes to cost, both types of heaters have their advantages and disadvantages. Electric patio heaters typically have a lower initial purchase price compared to their propane counterparts. However, the cost of electricity can add up over time, especially in areas where electricity rates are high.

Propane heaters, while potentially more expensive upfront, often have lower operating costs since propane is generally less expensive than electricity. However, the cost of propane can fluctuate, and you'll need to regularly purchase propane tanks unless you have a natural gas line installed, which can be costly.

Efficiency and Heat Output: What Delivers More Warmth?

Better heat output is a significant factor when choosing a patio heater. Propane heaters are known for their ability to produce more heat compared to electric models. They are ideal for larger outdoor spaces where the heat needs to be distributed over a wider area. Propane's high heat output can quickly raise the temperature, making it perfect for chillier nights.

Electric heaters, while they may not offer the same level of heat as propane models, are incredibly efficient. Unlike gas heaters, they convert almost all the energy they use into heat, with minimal loss. This makes them suitable for smaller spaces or areas where targeted heating is required.

Safety and Environmental Impact: Which is the Greener Option?

Safety is paramount when it comes to heating solutions. Electric outdoor heaters are generally considered safer than propane heaters because they don't involve an open flame or emit carbon monoxide. This makes them a better choice for enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces that lack proper ventilation.

In terms of environmental impact, electric heaters can be seen as more eco-friendly, especially if the electricity comes from renewable sources. Propane heaters, on the other hand, burn fossil fuels, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. However, they do burn cleanly and efficiently, with a lower carbon footprint than other fossil fuels. 

Accessibility and Fuel Availability: Choosing the Right Heat Source 

When considering what is better, electric or propane patio heater, it's essential to think about accessibility and fuel availability. Electric patio heaters are incredibly convenient because they can be plugged into any standard outlet, making them a go-to option for those who prioritize ease of access. You won't need to worry about refilling fuel tanks or ensuring you have a steady supply of propane. This can be particularly advantageous in urban settings where electric power is readily available but storing propane may be more challenging.

On the other hand, propane outdoor heaters offer a different kind of accessibility. They are ideal for locations where electricity is scarce or for events that are mobile, such as outdoor weddings or gatherings where an electric supply is not guaranteed. Propane heaters are also a good fit for those who prefer a heat source that can be used even during power outages. However, it's important to consider the availability of propane in your area. Some regions have abundant propane suppliers, making it easy to choose gas as your primary heat source, while others may find it less accessible.

User Experience and Control: Tailoring Your Outdoor Heating 

The user experience is a critical factor when deciding between an electric heater and its propane or natural gas heaters counterparts. Electric heaters often come with a variety of convenience features, such as remote controls, timers, and adjustable heat settings, allowing for a more tailored heating experience. The ability to quickly turn the heater on or off and adjust the temperature can significantly enhance the comfort of your outdoor space, making electric counterparts a popular choice for those who value control and ease of use.

Propane heat, however, provides a different kind of user experience. Many users appreciate the ambiance that a propane flame can offer, which can be lacking in electric models. Gas outdoor heaters often produce a more intense heat, which can be felt almost immediately, a feature that is particularly desirable in colder climates. Additionally, for those who enjoy the ritual of setting up and igniting their propane heaters, the hands-on approach can be part of the appeal. It's important to consider the user experience you're looking for when making your choice, as well as the safe operation practices required for each type of heater.

Customization and Control: Tailoring Your Heating Experience 

When considering what is better, electric or propane patio heater, customization and control are significant factors. Electric patio heaters often come with variable settings that allow you to adjust the heat output to your comfort level. This means you can easily tailor the temperature to the specific needs of your gathering without wasting energy. Many models include remote controls or even smartphone connectivity for added convenience, ensuring your outdoor space is always at the perfect temperature with just the touch of a button.

On the other hand, gas patio heaters typically have a more limited range of heat settings. While some models do offer adjustable flame controls, they generally don't provide the same precision as their electric counterparts. However, the ambiance created by the visible flame of a propane heater can enhance the overall experience, making it a trade-off between precise temperature control and aesthetic appeal. It's essential to weigh these aspects when deciding which outdoor heater aligns with your preferences for customization and control.

The Verdict on Versatility: Comparing Heater Flexibility 

When it comes to versatility, both electric and gas patio heaters have their merits. Electric patio heaters are incredibly versatile due to their ease of installation. They can be mounted on walls, placed on tabletops, or even hung from ceilings, making them a flexible option for various outdoor spaces. Their portability is also a plus; without the need for a gas connection, they can be moved around as needed to accommodate different layouts or events.

Gas patio heaters, while not as flexible in placement due to the need for a propane tank, offer their own form of versatility. They are typically more powerful than electric models, making them suitable for larger areas where more heat is necessary. Additionally, since they don't rely on electrical power, they can be used in locations where electricity is not readily available, providing warmth for more remote outdoor settings. When choosing an outdoor heater, consider how the flexibility of electric or gas options will fit into your lifestyle and space.

Space and Placement: How Much Room Do You Have?

Considering how much space you have is crucial when selecting a patio heater. Electric heaters are often wall mounted or ceiling mounted, which can save valuable floor space. This makes them ideal for smaller patios or balconies where space is at a premium.

Propane heaters, especially portable heaters, require more floor space and need to be placed with safety in mind, away from flammable materials. They are better suited for larger patios or commercial spaces where there's ample room to accommodate them.

Installation and Maintenance: Ease of Use and Upkeep

When it comes to installation, electric heaters are generally easier to set up. Many electric outdoor patio heaters come with a simple plug-in design, and some even offer remote control operation for added convenience. Propane heaters, while portable, may require professional installation if you choose to hook up to a natural gas line.

Maintenance is another factor to consider. Electric heaters typically require less maintenance than propane heaters. There's no need to refill tanks or worry about the fuel source. Propane heaters, however, will need regular checks to ensure the tanks are full and the connections are secure.

Weather Resistance: Which Stands Up to the Elements?

Outdoor heaters need to withstand various weather conditions. Electric heaters are often designed with weather-resistant materials, making them durable against rain and wind. However, excessive heat or moisture can still pose risks, so it's important to choose a unit designed for outdoor use.

Propane heaters are also built to endure outdoor conditions, but they have an added advantage in windy environments. Unlike electric heaters, the heat from propane is less likely to be blown away by the wind, providing consistent warmth even on breezy evenings.

Design and Aesthetics: Enhancing Your Outdoor Decor

The design of your patio heater can also influence your choice. Electric heaters tend to have a sleek, modern look and can be discreetly integrated into your outdoor decor. Wall mounted heaters, in particular, can blend seamlessly with the surroundings.

Propane heaters offer a different aesthetic, often resembling traditional fire pits or lanterns. They can add a decorative element to your backyard, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Plus, the visible flame of some propane models can add to the ambiance of your outdoor gatherings.

Long-Term Value: Which Heater is a Better Investment?

Considering the long-term value is essential when deciding between electric and propane heaters. Electric heaters may have higher electricity costs, but their durability and low maintenance can make them a wise investment in the long run. They are also less susceptible to price fluctuations related to fuel type.

Propane heaters can save money on operating costs, but the need to purchase propane tanks or install a natural gas line can add up. However, for those who prioritize more heat and a traditional aesthetic, propane heaters may offer better value despite the additional expenses.


Choosing between an electric or propane patio heater depends on a variety of factors, including cost, efficiency, safety, environmental impact, space, installation, weather resistance, design, and long-term value. Electric patio heaters are convenient, safe, and efficient, making them ideal for smaller, enclosed patios. Propane patio heaters offer better heat output and are more suited for larger, open outdoor spaces. Both have their merits, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

FAQ Section

Q: Are electric patio heaters expensive to run?

A: An electric patio heater can be more expensive to run than propane heaters, depending on local electricity rates. However, their efficiency and low maintenance costs can offset the higher energy costs in the long run.

Q: Can propane patio heaters be used in enclosed spaces?

A: Propane patio heaters should not be used in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Electric heaters are a safer option for enclosed or semi-enclosed areas.

Q: Is professional installation required for patio heaters?

A: Electric patio heaters usually do not require professional installation and can be easily set up by the user. Propane heaters may require professional installation if you opt to connect them to a natural gas line, but portable models with propane tanks do not. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and local regulations for safe installation and use.

Crank Up the Outdoor Vibes With These 10 Patio Heaters
From propane to electric and natural gas models, wall-mounted to freestanding, our top 10 models that blend performance with style and price.
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